Meet Dallas

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Dallas Demmitt, Ph.D.

Dallas Demmitt, Ph.D.

Dallas and Nancy Demmitt are a unique husband and wife team with extensive experience in counseling, teaching and ministry. They use their own marriage to illustrate how to bridge distance in relationships with practical, down-to-earth skills that make a difference. They authored “Can You Hear Me Now?”. Available in Paperback and Kindle formats.

Dallas and Nancy have been married 64 years and have two married daughters and three grandsons - Luke, Josh and Zach. And two grand-daughters, Sophia and Lilly.

Dr. Dallas Demmitt earned his Ph.D. in Counseling Psychology plus three other degrees. He was in private practice for 53 years providing individual, marriage, family counseling and work place coaching. His special interest is working with men's issues, stress and communication.

Dallas has been active for 30 plus years in launching and participating in small groups for men. In addition, he facilitates “interactive learning experiences” in this country and overseas for individuals, businesses, corporations, ministries and professional sports teams. He’s most excited by engaging in “learning conversations” personally, by phone and over the internet with interactive video. 

He started and led the chapels for the Phoenix Suns for six years. 

Gary Smalley said, “In my thirty years of study, the best explanation of optimal communication – and the best technology to make optimal communication occur – comes from a husband-and-wife relationship team in Arizona, Dallas and Nancy Demmitt.”

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